대표변호사 약력
김학송 (金鶴松) 1967. 8. 27
1. 미국변호사 (Washington D.C)
전) 이흥엽 법률사무소 (서초동,5년근무)
2. 미국공인회계사 (AICPA)
전) NY Central Tax Service 근무
3. 현) 한림대학교 국제대학원
미국 법학과 겸임교수
- youtube 동영상 강좌 참조
4. 현) LH.LLC (베트남 로펌) 대표변호사
- https://shinwoovn.com
5. 경찰대학 법학과 졸업 (7기)
Johnathan Kim
CEO. Lawyer, CPA
"American Law" Professor in Hanlim Univ in Korea
He is currently operate law office accredited by Vietnam Ministry of Justice. His law firm also specialized for Criminal & Tax issues.
Diem Ngoc
Assistant Manager
Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Experienced Attorney with 2 years experience in criminal representation and effective in developing case strategies for those accused of misdemeanors as well as felonies.
Steve Kim
8 years of experienced in accounting field in U.S
worked at "Steve Si-Whan Oh" CPA firm in NJ.
He is currently working as an accountant at the LH.LLC law firm in HCMC.
IT technition
computer college at Colorado Univ.
She has strong knowleage of writing code and protocols testing software and monitoring and automating systems.
she also has skilled in technology programming and computing and capable of designing curriculum that invites thought and conversation