
Changing the contents of business registration is a real demand for being more favorable in business operations. The change of the head office’s address of the enterprise is one of the actual needs arising in the course of operation of the Enterprise.


The change of the address to the another district

- To change the Certificate of business registration

- To transfer the taxes from old district to the new district

- To engrave the new stamp

Supplement documents

- Certificate f business registration

- The information of new address


* The enterprise submits form 08 within 10 days from the date of issuance of the new business license with the invoice document. 

* The Enterprise stops issuing the invoices (from the filing date at the Department of Planning and Investment). 

* The enterprise must not issue invoices in the process of district change, the enterprise must wait to submit the transfer note to the new district and then submit a notice to issue unused invoices in the new district and then continue to use them. (your accountant makes the release announce) 

* When there is a transfer note, LH.LLC Company will submit the legal document to the new district. The old invoice is re-used as changing the address to another district. Your accountants prepare the invoice list and the release announces or the adjustment notice of invoices at the new tax office. If the enterprise need us to make this procedure. 

* The Enterprise makes the square stamp with the company name and tax code and the new address to seal the old invoice. 

* The enterprise shall prepare the release announce for invoice in the new district; after finishing, your enterprise can issue the invoice. If your enterprise issues the invoice without announcement, your enterprise will be fined from 4 to 20 million.